How to Enjoy Your Family Photo Shoot

I am sharing with you some of my best tips to get your family excited for the shoot and how to get the best family photos while enjoying the whole process.

Fall is upon us and that means most of us with children are getting ready for a family photo session to send out over the holidays. Let’s see if any of this sounds correct ….

You’ve found the perfect photographer for your annual family photos,spent hours scrolling Pinterest for outfit ideas, paid a small fortune buying those outfits, and are now eagerly awaiting your family photo shoot. You spend good money for these photos with hopes to frame a few around your house and to send out on your holiday card. But the day is here, and the reality is, you have unhappy whining kids that are complaining about their new itchy sweater and a spouse that's moaning and groaning about the new tight jeans he can’t sit in and that he’s missing the game to take these family photos.

During the photo shoot you feel like you’re repeatedly apologizing to the photographer for your family’s behavior, and the fun family time you envisioned has now turned into chaos and stress. By the time you’ve finished, you've fought with and bribed them all within an inch of your life to sit or stand uncomfortably and smile for two hours, but you did it! Through the tears you can now take a deep breath of relief because you survived it and you don't have to do it for another year!


Believe me, I get it, I’ve seen it and I have even been that family!!!  But I promise you that family photos DO NOT have to be this way!

Again a little louder for those in the back, YOU CAN ENJOY YOUR FAMILY PHOTO SESSION!!!!

Your family photo shoot is the time to capture who you are as a family and should show you sharing moments together. While I agree it's important to have a few photos of everyone looking at the camera, I truly believe that the ones that show how you connect together as a family are the ones you will cherish most. It's the everyday moments in your everyday life that are the most beautiful. For more family photo shoot inspiration click here.

Follow these tips and enjoy every still and chaotic moment of your next family photo shoot! If you try them out, comment below and let me know how it worked!

Click here to book a shoot with me.


